Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Sikap Pengguna terhadap Teknologi Cashless pada Generasi Z Di Indonesia

  • Gracela Marisa Sanapang Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Ciputra Makassar
  • Felicia Kohar
  • Leony Putri Nurtani
  • Robin Christoffel Santoso
Keywords: Perceived Usefulness,, Ease of Use, Trust in Technology,, Perceived Risk, User Attitudes


This study aims to explore the factors that influence user attitudes towards
cashless technology in Indonesia. The increasing adoption of cashless payment systems
is essential to understand the elements that shape positive user attitudes. This study
uses a quantitative approach, analyzing the influence of Perceived Usefulness,
Perceived Ease of Use, Trust in Technology, and Perceived Risk on cashless user
attitudes. The respondents in this study were 385 from generation Z. Data were
collected by providing a series of structured questions through a survey involving
respondents who use cashless technology, and multiple linear regression analysis to
test the proposed hypothesis. The results of the study indicate that perceived benefits
and ease of use have a significant positive impact on user attitudes, while the level of
trust and risk perception also have an effect, but with different complexities. These
findings provide insights for technology developers and stakeholders to design more
effective strategies in increasing the adoption of cashless technology in society. This
research is expected to contribute to the development of a more inclusive and efficient
payment ecosystem.
